2015. augusztus 24., hétfő

What should I do now? :'(

Hello folks.This is a continuation from my last thread here, http://ift.tt/1Kg1EpA saturday we partied, we went to a club and I had to go out (too many people) . After 30 seconds he came out of the club too. I was already drunk so yeah. He came after me and we took a long walk, we sat on a bench, I said some sweet words and we began to make out.(my first kiss with a boy!) After that we had to come back to pick up our friends. While coming back, we held hands together through the whole city ( yay! ). After we picked up our friends we went home and I walked him home. We made out again before he left and that was it for the night.Now that sounds amazing right? NOPE.Today I talked to him about starting a boyfriend relationship. He said that he feels the same as before, that he cant start a relationship yet, and cant see himself having a boyfriend in the near future. That broke me apart, I almost started crying and I didnt know what to do. I did have 2 choices: 1. to let him go 2. to keep chasing and hope for a miracle So I went with it and before he left I said to him: '' I respect your choices and the way you feel, but Im gonna keep chasing you to the worlds end, and one of these days youll become mine and I yours anyway. Im not gonna push it, but Im not gonna give up on you. ''Yup, I played a tough guy and I still feel the same way. I dont want to give up on him and Im gonna keep chasing him.After he left, like 20 minutes later, all the frustration and sadness hit me at once. I don't honestly know what to do, I need to vent this out. I havent eaten anything since and I keep throwing up like a madman. What do I do to make myself feel better? :(

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