2015. augusztus 30., vasárnap

lost on what to do next.

So I have already told all my friends and most of my family that I am gay. Still feels a little weird saying it but it feels good. It's been a few weeks now and my issue is that I don't know anyone else who is gay. I have no idea what I am doing and no idea where I go from here. I guess in a way I thought that when I started telling people everything would just fall in to place and I would start dating and all that stuff. Totally not the case, and I feel like a teenager again having to figure out this whole dating thing again. Don't get me wrong it's exciting but at the same time I don't have anyone to lean on or to guide me. I finally got the courage to go to a local gay bar and there was nobody there aside from a few lesbian couples. It was so discouraging. I'm lost and not sure where to go from here. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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