2015. augusztus 30., vasárnap

don't want to long for a relationship anymore help

So lets start: I am a teenager living in a relatively conservative part of europe and i think that i am gay (i like girls too but i am considering men as sexy and i am crushing on boys so ... Probably gay :D) .I dont want to come out to my family until i have at least a bit experience in gay relationships and am completely sure about my sexuality. I plan on being good in school on my last years in order to study in a big city where i can be gay without my family knowing about it at first.In two years appearently school will be over and i am looking forward to going to college but i have a problem: i am longing for a relationship. I know i should be patient but i often have fantasies about cuddling and kissing and holding hands with another man even when i actually try to do something productive. Please gay guys, give me tipps on how to be patient and how to focus on work.Thanks for listening to my problem :)

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