2015. augusztus 30., vasárnap

[Serious] : 30 yo coming out as a gay in a very conservative / religious family

Hi everyone,I am a 30yo gay male from a very religious and coservative country (Muslim country). I started to live my gay Life at 22 (i mean falling in love with a boy and having my first BF) When i left my country for another more open-minded country.Although difficult at first, i now totally accept that being gay is part of my identity.My last relationship was a failure because of my boyfriend not accepting that i hid my orientation (thus our relationship) to my family.I think coming out is an important step in life, but i just can't'do it easily.I don't really care about society, coworkers, neighbours,... but my parents It's a different storyI know my coming out will be a shock and a source of suffering for them. They have been so good to me that i don't want to make them unhappy, especially that they have health issues.Right now i am lost and can't make a decision. Anyone in my situation? Any advice?Thank you dear redditors

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