2015. augusztus 29., szombat

Hello, I don't generally frequent this sub but I have an issue and need advice.

Again hello /r/gay, as I said I don't ever come onto this particular sub often. I mostly stick to /r/gaymers because well I'm kind of a dork and I like video games, but I've been having an ongoing dilemma for several months now and since I don't have any friends I figured I might as well ask all the wise members of this subreddit.I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years now with this wonderful man. He's funny, attractive, and he's incredibly kind almost to the point of naivety. For the past 5-6 months or so things have been really strained in our relationship. His father died recently during that time, and they were incredibly close. Ever since his dad passed my boyfriends been getting into shit he shouldn't, forgetting he's an adult and trying to act like he's still in highschool, and just kind of being mean to random people. Unfortunately this is the dilemma part; I am an insensitive asshole. I am very pragmatic and come from very pragmatic people. I do not dwell on my emotions, and I tend to just throw myself into work until I get over things. I've been there for him and I've tried to help him as much as I can but after 6 months I don't have the energy anymore to be supportive of what I'm perceiving as childish behavior on his part. I'm talking he goes out with a few friends, gets wasted, comes home at 4am and then refuses to even acknowledge the problem. Especially when I've been working all night. He works and he works very hard, but he's late all the time to his jobs which are right down the street because he's out partying all the time.It's been a rough time. We fight almost every day now and nothing gets resolved. He gets pissed off at me for stupid things like paying for our dates or not immediately texting him when I get to work/home from work. I get pissed off when he's out having fun while I'm at work, and when he complains about pretty much anything at this point. I know that I can be more understanding, but at the same time I could never justify getting drunk 4-5 times a week all the while getting home at 2-3am then having to go straight back to work at 8am.We've also had some issues in the naughty Funtime department as well. He bottoms almost exclusively, and he always tells me he wants to bottom and he enjoys it. Half the time though when he's pissed off he'll hold that fact against me. He also is horny all. the. time. He literally never turns the hell off. It wouldn't be a problem is he wasn't always trying to have sex at the most inappropriate times.I'm really at the end of my rope here. I just really need someone to give me that golden piece of advice that will fix everything, or a thirty page essay detailing step-by-step how long the grieving process is and what I should do.

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