2015. augusztus 25., kedd

Please help me, I could really use some advice.

First of, I just want to say I do not hate or condemn anyone and hope my words do not offend anyone.Ok, having said that, I'm almost 24 and I'm having a crisis of sexuality/crisis of identity.All my life I've been unequivocally straight but only in the last 3-4 months I've been doubting myself. My biggest fear has always been the fear of being gay so I guess that would make me homophobic. Not because I hate or fear gay people but because I fear it in myself.To date I have I can't say that I've ever found myself sexually attracted to other man, at least not that I'm consciously aware of but doubt has crept in. I was very very bad with women in my early 20's to the point where I couldn't talk to them at all without alcohol due to massive anxiety and a few of my friends mentioned they thought I was gay due to this. That happened around 3months ago...Ever since then I've had terrible anxiety and depression including panic attacks, almost to the point that it is debilitating some days. I wake up every morning and the fear and doubt is literally the first thing I think of. I find myself imagining sexual scenarios with other men, not because I'm attracted to them but because my brain is creating them in order to 'test' myself. I also find that because of the doubt I'm literally trying to force myself to be attracted to every woman I see and if I'm not it creates more doubt, thus I feel like I'm barely attracted to women. As a result my libido has dropped creating more fear and depression yet whenever I'm with one of my (female) fuck buddies I can just let go and I'm super into it.Being so bad with women when I was younger, all I've ever wanted was to be good with women, (a ladies man) if you will. Now that I finally am, my whole identity revolves around my sexuality and being the player that know I have no idea who the fuck I am, what's real, what I believe or what reality is...All comments welcome, especially if this sounds like anyone else's story, and again I mean no offence, I just need help.Thanks in advance, I know this was lengthy.Edit: I just want to add that I've told my parents about my fear and I even accepted the fact that I am now a gay man/will love myself regardless if that is the case, but the fear, anxiety and especially depression are only getting worse.

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