2015. augusztus 18., kedd

Is it weird to like older men?

Hi so I'm 18 and recently out of high school. I've been out of the closet since I was 15. I've been in a small townish setting for most of my life. I've had opportunities to date other gay guys in my grade, but I never found myself attracted to them. There ARE guys my own age I find hot, typically the jock types or preppy types, but I'm starting to discover I think I might like guys way older than me. Like, 5 to 10 to 15 years older than me. I find young single dads hot :P Like, while my friends are checking out the other 18/19 year old guys, I'm checking out all the 30 year olds. While they stare at the cute guy next to us in class, I'm thinking the 28 year old technitian fixing the school computers is hot. Anyway, I can't tell if I'm weird or not, (i'm like, the opposite of a pervert, kind of?) or even if older guys would be interested in/feel comfortable with an 18 year old.

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