2017. június 5., hétfő

Suddenly crushing - WTF? (Need to get off my chest)

Older ginger-bear, 45, and just recently starting a new job after moving and being single. Was introduced to one of the sales guys and my first thought was that he was incredibly good looking. He's younger, maybe 30, chiseled jaw, tallish, incredibly dapper dresser. Fast forward two weeks later and we're in a meeting together with a difficult client. I made the client happy and afterwards he put his arm around my shoulders and was saying to other people how great I was.And god damn if my heart didn't pitter patter and I suddenly get butterflies in my stomach. I know he's straight, and even if he wasn't I don't think I'd stand a chance. But still... ugh... I actually found myself blushing at him the other day for fuck's sake.I thought I was over this sort of adolescent malarky, but no, of course not. Instead I'm back at the same tongue tied stupidity state. The most embarrassing thing? One of the women in my office came over and gave me a half hug and said "You're not the only one...". Great... that's what I need to be known as. The old guy lusting after the younger guy in our office. Like that isn't awkward.:-(

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