2017. június 5., hétfő

So I finally told my mother...

It was my friends birthday this Saturday just gone, he'd rang in the morning to ask if I fancied a few beers at his after dinner (lunch) time. A small gathering of his friends and family, naturally I said yes but told him I'd only be able to stay a couple of hours as I had plans to go out on the piss with my uncles one of whom is getting married this week (On a Wednesday I might add, who gets married on a fecking Wednesday?).I took a few bottles of Kopparberg since it was a hot day and I had a long day and night ahead. Whilst at my mates my night out plans were changed and then almost cancelled due to the groom not wanting to go out. My other uncle (The best man) and I agreed to go out later and get pissed without him, all this meant was I could stay at my mates a while longer… A dangerous move.The danger wasn't drinking too much, the danger was sitting out in the sun all day frying because as my username suggests my name is Jamie and I am a ginger. The latter being the issue in this story as I was too daft to use sun lotion.I got home around 6pm to have some food, get a shower and get ready for the night out. Feck did I scream when I got in the shower... I couldn't feel the sunburn as the alcohol was my anaesthetic which wore off just in time for me to suffer. Somehow I managed to get through it and get ready and what have you.The last thing I do before walking out the door is brush my teeth, seems the most logical thing to do in my book. Whilst I was brushing my teeth my mother strikes up a conversation with me about life, kids and marriage. I make a comment about not wanting either of those things, she knew this already I've made no secret about my desire to not wanting kids or the hassle of a marriage. I'm still brushing my teeth when she asks if I'm gay, now it's not the first time she's asked me that question. In the past I brushed it off and she had no desire to force the answer out of me, I guess she figured that I'd tell her in my own time or that one day I'd bring a girl home and that'd be that. Now I don't really know what came over me but I replied to her with the question; "would it matter if I was?" To which she responded "Not at all, you're my son and I love you no matter what." She asked me again and this time I asked her; "then why are you asking me a question you already know the answer to?”It must have been the drink and the sun damage…Finally I admit it to my mother, finally I have the courage to tell her that yes I am gay.No outpour of emotions from either of us, she asked me if I'd told anyone else and I admitted to telling my Nanna and Grandad (Her mum and dad), around 18 months ago but it never went any further. She said thank you for me finally being honest with her and she'll be there for me if and when I needed her. I asked her not to say anything as there are others I want to tell before the whole family knows.My next task is to tell my sisters, stepdad and my friends then there is my dad and his family that part being a whole other episode of Jezza Kyle. I don't know how long that will take me I mean it took me nearly 28 years to tell my mam.The scariest part has been faced at this point I finally feel relieved.After all was said and done I left the house for round 2 of my pissed up Saturday, I met up with my uncle and got absolutely shit faced. I remember speaking to a woman with the biggest tits I’ve ever seen in real life, even in my newly admitted gaydom they were incredible…, buying the most expensive round in human history for my uncle, his friends, the woman with the tits and her friends. I know I threw up whilst having a slash at one point later on in the night, about the only thing I didn't do was shit myself… I walked home via a pizza shop, got home and fell to sleep next to the toilet. Only to be woken by my mother needing to use the bathroom before she went to work at 6am.All in all a pretty productive day by all accounts.Long story short version:Friend's birthday, Beer, A lot of fecking sunburn because I'm a ginger and Finally telling me mam that I'm gay… Getting shit faced, woman with huge breasts, waking up next to the toilet

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