2017. június 25., vasárnap


So my sexuality has always kinda been up in the air.I always knew I liked boys and girls, especially when I was younger (like before high school and even my freshman year) I was romantically into girls so much like I had crushes on almost every pretty girl I knew.Then, freshman year I had my first boyfriend (I've always been sexually attracted to guys but romantically ehh) it's become kinda strictly guys I'm attracted to and I don't like it. I have made out with girls, "talked" to girls, and have even fucked a girl since then (and guys, too). And I'm not gonna lie, one girl I talked to I really had feelings for last summer and I really saw myself getting maybe serious with her but when we went to make out she was horrible and it ruined it lol. Also, when I had sex wth a girl I was really drunk so it was hard for me to stay hard with a condom on but it felt really good!So basically, I just don't know what to do.I find wayyyyy more guys attractive than girls but part of me feels like it's because I suppress my "straight" side, or maybe it's just because I'm gay. I don't know! I want to be bi but I know sexuality just doesn't work like that.Have any of you guys been in the same boat? And how have you solved this issue? I just want this constant thought of "are girls even really an option for me?" out of my head so I can be confident about my sexuality.

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