2015. augusztus 22., szombat

Need Advice: How to get into a "serious" relationship? (as a male model)

Greetings, So I (m/19) came out last year to everyone (successfully), but since January this year I am constantly trying to get into a relationship. And I mean a relationship that is longer than just a month. As a model, this is painfully difficult; sadly, this is not a joke. Every gay guy I met so far just wanted to have sex with me with no interest in a long-term relationship. Not that I would complain about the sex part, I just want to be in a real relationship. I get reduced to my body only, and this bothers me a lot. Do you have any advice? As I am fairly new to this (online gay dating scene), what dating - app(s) would you recommend? Where are the differences? Greetings from Europe

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