2015. augusztus 12., szerda


Hello lads.Im 19 years old and I have never had a relationship, however I found this gay hookup site and I met a boy my age. We talked in like a month, we found out that we have the same interests (games, partying and being weird) and so I asked him out on a date. The first date went very good. We grabbed a cup of coffee , talked a lot, laughed a lot and took a nice walk before I had to leave very quickly. And so we started to message each other. Im absolutely crazy about him and a second cant pass without me thinking about him. Now here is the thing, whenever I send a cute message or I compliment him I never really get an answer to that. I did compliment him on a date and his reaction was 'aww thank you, thats so cute' but I never really got a compliment from him. Weve been out 2 times these past 3 days and being the awkward guy I am I only could go for a hug after I walked him home. I am always the one that engages conversations, always the one asking to go out. He mentioned that he is clumsy and awkward himself, but Im having mixed feelings and truth be told my heart aches everytime I think about it. I decided to confront him about it and confess straight up, and ask him how he feels. Do you think this is the right choice? Do you have any advice for me? Thank youFor the record, Ive known him for 3 months now and have been keeping contact.

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