2017. június 4., vasárnap

Why a guy ghosted me lol

Hey guys. So I'm studying abroad in Spain. This one night I come back from the bar and am pretty horny. I'm waiting outside my house bc I live with a family and wouldn't have been able to go back out after I came in. So I'm on Grindr and this guy says he's down to chill. My phone dies literally before anything is formally established but I give it 15 mins outside to see what happens.He actually comes (!!) and we go back to his place. He only speaks Spanish, and mine is pretty good but I Fuck up grammar sometimes in deep convo. But he understands me fine. He's 26 (I'm 19) and he's really really handsome. Right when we start hooking up he asks me my name, like stops the activity for my name, and we both suck each other off and stuff. Was really hot and after it, when I'm like expecting to leave (ha, noticing that tendency to run away after a hook up is more of an American grindr thing lol ..), he just starts talking to me and we talk for a while. Long story short we go for two more rounds after that, talking about a broad range of stuff in between, laughing and everything.He gets my # and everything and texts me the next day. He said he liked me a lot and wants to see me again. Texted me about hanging out that night but I wasn't around and got back to him the next morning. Um then I'm pretty sure that next day I hit him up saying sorry. And then what's up later in the day- he didn't reply. Then the next day when i was drunk coming home I texted him and he's said he was down to hang out.I was pretty drunk this time ngl and he was a little. When texting me ab it, he asks if I want to sleep over bc he has work in the morning (we messed around until 6am the last time). I say sure (expecting to mess around for a little while and to just leave by 7 so I could slip in to my house family's house undetected). Also it sounded really cute . He finished and kinda just says he has to sleep. (I don't get off). And I say that I'm not really tired and that I'll just leave (he wasrly nice ab it and apologized and everything).Then after that I sent him a text the next morning saying sorry if I was dumb ln bc drunk. And no reply. I Ask him if he's mad or something a little later. No reply.He isn't on grindr for like 2 days but then I message him on whatsapp saying if he doesn't want to talk anymore to just say that. He reads the message . No reply. Sent him a last one calling him a pendejo and shit and that was it.Just don't understand what happened. I'm not the type to pursue anything after a hookup. But I really really was feeling this guy. I also just got here and he was my 1stish hook up here. The first time we hooked up he just gave so many green lights, even said we should go out one night. What do you guys think it was? I'm just assuming I was annoying that night or something. I did message him a lot when he was taking a while to come outside when we met up the second time bc he was jumping in the shower or something. Just really sucks. He didn't seem like this type at all. And if he was, the one hook up and not messaging me afterwards would have been just fine. ...

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