2017. június 5., hétfő

who do you feel comfortable farting in front of? Is it an age thing?

Asking for a friend.. No seriously lolI have been beginning to wonder if it is an age thing perhaps? For example, my partner is much older than me (he's 47) and he has no shame letting it rip in front of me, friends, or family. Personally I find it hilarious,but I noticed my previous partner who was around my age (early 20s) never felt comfortable letting it rip. He thought it was gross. Then I had other guys much older 40s and 50s who don't mind letting it rip. Is it that once you reach a certain age you stop caring? I notice people in relationships have different opinions about it.So guys..do you let it rip in front of your partner? Does he fart in your presence? Do you notice differences in age in regards to this?

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