2017. június 6., kedd

No Such Thing as a Gay Teen Musician?

In my years in the world, I have been through many phases as a gay man with my taste in music. When I was a boy, it was Madonna, as an adolescent it was Janet Jackson and Kylie Minogue and through my teens it was Shania Twain and in my adulthood Jewel and Alanis Morissette.See the pattern? As a gay male, I never had men as my idols (apart from Michael Jackson, he's always been there. And...Aaron Carter in the early 2000's hence the screen name Aaronator95 (been my screen name since the early Yahoo and MSN days when I was a late-teen, 95 being Windows 95, the first computer I owned. Just to sum the story up there.)Growing up I never had gay men or gay teens as my idols. Why? Because there were none! To the exception of George Michael and Boy George to which I had no interest in. This has been my view in the past ten years. My youngest cousin is also gay and in his teens, where as I am not aha. But his idols are Ariana Grande and One Direction. In a conversation I had with him last weekend at a family BBQ I asked him who was the "new" teen heart throb that's gay in the industry...he couldn't answer. We even googled "gay teen musicians", the only result close to answering was a picture of a kid named James McVey from a boy band named The Vamps who I've never heard of, so they mustn't be that relevant.Is the music industry relentless to producing young talent that is homosexual? Don't tell me "Sam Smith and Troye Sivan and that guy from The Wanted nobody cares about and blah blah" irrelevant, they aren't teens inspiring teens. It seems they just don't exist or young gay talent doesn't exist, to which I find hard to believe! I asked my partner James who was his favourite gay stars growing up, he couldn't answer! Though, to be fair James isn't the flamboyant type, if you met him you wouldn't know he was gay; he listens to Cold Chisel and works in construction and talks like "every bloke who was a bloke."My point is, there is a shortage of gay teens in the industry. It would really change a gay youth's perspective on life if they saw one of them singing to them, telling them to put down the pills, untie the rope from the ceiling fan and put it back in dad's tool shed, unplug the bath an put the razor in the bin.The industry needs to see what's happening and realise music inspires people it "saves" them. Don't believe me, look at every fan girls Twitter bio.. "celeb name here saved me!"Gay youth, your talent is needed. Sign to a label and inspire our youth! If you know of a gay youth with a singing career, let me know in the comments because I found none!

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