2016. december 25., vasárnap

advice needed/vent on a confusing predicament...

Hello all! Get some popcorn because this is a whole 5 minutes worth load of drama! (trust me its a lot worse in person.)I am 16, and I am in my final two years in high-school before we move on to college (or university). I am gay. However, I dare say this only with the internet's mask of anonymity. I live in a conservative Christian family that greatly frowns upon gays, as well as a conservative Asian country that also frowns upon gays. However, I digress.Let me explain this from the beginning. I knew I was gay since I was 13 when I couldn't get enough of gay porn and found myself staring at men's crotches.We (my entire cohort and I) went for a month (crazy, right?) long overseas outing. I was put with this guy (call him Bob) I knew for a year or so. His ways of socializing were... questionable and made me think he was gay (and that he liked me!). So, being the idiotic and stupid gay boy I am, I told him that I liked him. (which carries the connotation that I'm gay). I thought I was killing two birds with one stone at first, however, I quickly realized that that was a stupid move. He ended up rejecting me and quickly swapped rooms (savage, right?). At first, I thought that was it. However, after the overseas trip, a close friend of mine told me that Bob was telling everyone about my confession I worked so hard to cover up. (my close friend managed to take a video of him spreading it on more than one occasion, so I know definitely that this maliciousness is genuine.) I grew pretty depressed for a while, and my grades took a hit.My close friends tried consoled me and told me it didn't matter, but they're straight, what did they know? (I was inconsolable basically)Thinking back to then (half a year ago) I guess you could say I was intentionally outed by Bob, but with the intent of me not knowing. I'm pretty sure the entire cohort knows now. Anyhow, I can't turn back time, neither do I want to take back what I said. For now, when talking to my classmates, I keep my innocuous facade active and pretend I don't know of Bob's actions.However, when school starts again next year, there will be a huge influx of students from outside coming into our school. I have decided to keep up with my unknowing facade, but I also want to have respect among the students!I think I should participate more and keep my head up!! It doesn't matter what happens!! I am gay and even though it is frowned upon in my school, respect through the execution of responsibilities are what makes a person shine!P.S. Materialism has become a thing of mine because I want to be respected (for the material things I have). Should I keep it up and build this wall around me, or should I just be humble (and how??)?Right now there are a lot of questions, and your advice would very much be appreciated! However, if you're just here to have something to read, sorry my English is sub-par, and happy reading!!Oh yeah, Merry Christmas everybody!!

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