2016. december 27., kedd

Friend hacked my computer and now knows i am gay

I moved in with a friend 2 years ago (starting professional lives). He is a computer wiz and I asked him for only one thing, please do not hack my computer. Well about 4 months ago he did, he read my work emails, Skype chats and found some classy bondage porn (tied up guy nothing crazy). I feel violated. My computer was my way to connect with the gay community and he pulled that away from me.I have been closeted my whole life and just recently have become more accepting of myself. I am still not ready for my friends to know though I think many already do. If I come out many of them will question things I have done (sports, horsing around, locker room, do I like them, why did I lie. ect ect). I am afraid to lose the friends I have, after so many years of denying it.After he saw the gay shit he stopped talking to me, became alpha aggressive and soon after moved away with a work transfer. ( The alpha shit I put in place really quick I am bigger than him and he knew if he said shit or made any issues I would fuck him up). We never spoke of what he saw he just changed. I asked him to remove the meta-split virus and he just laughed and said figure it out.He did not talk to me for a couple of months. Now he is acting like nothing happened and wants to come visit. He has even dropped a comment in a post about Trump and the lgbtq community. "I don't get the hate they are just normal people, who gives a shit what they do."I still feel betrayed and hate him, but am worried he took an image of my computer and will show my friends if I don't hang out with him. I feel violated and powerless.I am on track with a successful start up and I think he just wants in. I want to tell him to fuck off, and just lean into him about what a fuck up he is. Even if we were still friends I don't think I could ever trust him again.Any advice would be appreciated...Sorry to vent, I feel better just writing this down.:: Short ::Room mate hacked my computer and found out I am gay. He acted like an ass, I still feel violated and now he wants to be friends again.

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