2016. december 29., csütörtök

depressed, confused, y lonely

hello, i am 19 years old. growing up was so hard for me because people wouldnt treat me the same, i now got the gastric sleeve surgery and i have lost over -170 pounds. people who wouldn't talk to me at school are now adding me on facebook and liking my picture. i weight 220 pounds, when i go to public people call me cute but i dont feel cute. i have problems with my self esteem. i am Mexican american myself and i would love to travel all around mexico. lately i have been so depressed . i just feel like i dont have nobody to talk to but at the same time i do , my friends from high school are always messging me . i am almost 20 years i am a virgin, i have never done drugs , i have never been to a party. i am from a small town and people think im gay because as a 19 years old. in my family eyes i should be drinking and i should be doing guys stuff (drugs). i am a person who thinks a lot about life. i would never want to see myself doing drugs. if anyone wants to be my friend message me lol. i dont care how you look . i am a person who doesnt like to judge.

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