2015. november 3., kedd

Hooking up issue

Im 22 and just this past year I came out and have finally learned to accept my sexuality and all that. And I'm horny as fuck haha. Anyways, back a few years ago during freshman year of college I made a friend who is also gay and we haven't seen each other in three years but he lives about twenty minutes away from me now. We have talked on Facebook and I talked to him about coming out and all that and we shared experiences.And the thing is is that he's pretty hot and totally my type (half white, half Spanish - _) and I really want to have a hot hookup with him. He's a really nice guy and even though we just naturally broke ties a few years ago I would like to be actual friends too.Im pretty sure he's single and even dating him wouldn't be out of the question in the long run, but I'm not sure how to hint around that I'm interested in something like that and be FWB or something. I don't even know if he's into casual sex much at all but I'm anxious to find out and don't know how to do it. I dont want to make it uncomfortable or make him stop talking to me. And I do think that he could attracted to me as well.Sexually, I'm ready because I'm versatile position-wise, anyways hahaHave any of you guys had this problem before? Have any hopeful FWB worked out for you?

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