2015. november 1., vasárnap

Guys I really need your help.

I am trapped. I have officially fallen in love with my best friend. I cannot stop thinking about him, I obsess over him from the moment I awaken till the second I close my eyes and sleep. I need help! I can't tell anyone about this irl in my situation which makes this really hard for me, so I apologize for the venting. I remember looking into this when I first thought I loved him and the articles and people said this would happen, and they're all right. It's an uncontrollable spiral. This person is so special to me, he respects like no other friend, he knows what hurts me and what makes me happy. I have not had any bad relationships nor have I ever been lonely I have a huge circle of friends and close relationships over the years but this is new. This is different. The amount of mental pain and damage I am sustaining right now, I can't hold my feelings back anymore, this is not possible to just close away. Oh how I wish I could. This isn't an ordinary friendship as well, we have started a career together as musicians, see this is also my future I am dealing with here. We're also moving in together next month for convenience, until we move to Europe to study. It's a double edged sword when everything you do and are working towards in life involve him, only because I am in love with him. I really want to make this work. It's like poison in my mind. I cannot keep my mind off of him, and knowing that it can't and won't work out easy is hard. I respected him as a best friend then, and I still do now so I want to be able to make this work. I think it would be a good idea to look for other romantic relationships but I have trouble forming relationships unless there is something to stem from.This has all lead my to really start questioning my sexuality, I thought I was straight, but now I have fallen in love with my best friend, and have experimented with a few guys, so I can't be, and I can't be gay because I find myself developing sexual and romantic attractions to someone if they act cute, kind, and of course looking my type. I like brown hair and blue eyes on a girl or a guy but I am not super shallow when it comes to sex, I am lenient, hence why I have been experimenting with guys that aren't typically my type. I can't call my self demisexual because I can form an attraction from less than a close bond, for example at a concert I will find a cute girl and dance with her, only if she is my type. So I can't be demisexual. This all leads me to think I am bi. What do you guys think about all of this? I just need people to talk to and chat with and help put this all into perspective.PS: Don't get too caught up into the second paragraph, I am open to accepting my sexuality changing, that's not the issue here. The real issue here is me being in love with my better half. I need him in life, hes my best friend and I cannot lose him, hence why I haven't told him how I feel.Thanks guys.

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