2015. szeptember 17., csütörtök

About dating...

So i have a problem with dating and i thought i might ask for a persepctive here. To put it simple - i. can. not. figure. it. out. The biggest problem is - i live in Russia. So your 'dating apps' for us are 'hooking up apps'. I've never seen a gay men looking for dating on those apps. Ever. I've tried Grindr, Scruff, Lavender and Hornet. It does not work. Other dating websites are the same. I thought about going to a gay bar, does anyone has an experience of actually finding a love interest there? I feel like it's going to be hard for me because i'm not confident in myself at all and nobody likes people who are not confident. I know the whole post sounds kind of silly, but if you have anything for me, anything at all, please do share your thoughts, i'm 21 already and i haven't ever dated anyone, but i really want to. Just in case, i'm out to my friends and to my mom, they know i'm gay.

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