2017. december 26., kedd

Video chat hangout/parties

I came across this video.You don't have to watch the full thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-sI88xZtK0I just thought that same idea and setup, would be nice if there could be a queer version of that.Is there any way possible that we could have like google hangout sessions. (They would be heavily moderated of course in some way).We would just have honest dialogue, everyone let's their hair down in a scheduled and organized format. We could play party games, or play "never have I never", or play like Match Game or The Dating Game.We could answer questions in a turn based format or experiences that could be funny, shocking, thought provoking, inspiring, dramatic, educational. etc. would then maybe have a serious section to where more serious discussions and issues are done, and we have debates.People are free to disagree, and maybe quarrel for a bit in a civilized way. But if it gets out of hand, code words or signs or procedures can be done to stop it and to move on.Fighting, flaming, trolling, bullying, heckling, making fun of others will not at all be tolerated though.It would be a way for people to meet other queer people and break the ice and discuss things.This could also act in a way as an queer support group as well. Just putting a different spin on it.Anyone who is queer, or queer positive or queer ally can come and participate in a diverse google hangout party.Like have it on Fridays or something like that.People would generally be free to say what they want. Again, racism, homophobia, bullying, making fun of others, etc; People won't be free to say that.There again could be code words or signs and protocols we can do if things are getting out of hand, or if you want the person to either drop the subject or etc.But generally, it would mostly be very filter free to a degree. People would be free to share their opinions, but of course that doesn't mean people will be attacked, or that racism, or homophobia would be tolerated.All you would need to do is use your Google/Youtube account.I understand that not everyone is at that level to do this, but for the people that are.I believe with google hangouts, you can also use your avatar or mask your face, too.Maybe have it be 18+ as well due to this.I don't think this exists.Yeah there are chat rooms online, but to me they are kinda already cliquey and developed. If not that, there is just a lot of ignorance and bullshit.From my own personal experience, they also aren't really comfortable spaces.This would be nothing like that. This is more structured and kinda different and less triggering.So what do you think?

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