2017. december 29., péntek

Man I feel like my brain is working overdrive rn

Hey guys, for anonymity's sake I don't wanna give out my real age (I'll tell you I'm in my later years of highschool) but I'm a dude, and I've always been very comfortable with my sexuality. I like girls. I know I like girls, that's an indisputable fact right there that I've known since my childhood.But over the past month things have gotten... weird.The first time I noticed it was in the changing rooms. I'm on the school's basketball team and after practise one day, I found myself checking out the other guys' abs. (wait, that wasn't even the first time, it's possible I could've been doing it before but I wasn't really paying attention to myself.)Anyway, I shrugged it off, but it only went downhill from there. My sexual attraction to men has steadily been climbing, after a game last week I got an erection in the change rooms and tried to hide it, embarrassing as fuck.This attraction isn't just every so often, like when theres half naked guys around. I've found myself gazing at guys in public and this has even stemmed into my sexual fantasies.This is confusing as fuck, my brain is stressed enough, what with school work (thank the lord for summer holidays!), but with this, it's hard to explain. I feel a sense of shame and also hopelessness, I can't do anything to control it. Lord knows what would happen if my friends and family found out about this.I don't know. Sorry for ranting guys, and sorry for the possibly messed up formatting of this post.

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