2017. december 29., péntek

Update on the older guy, married, coming out, scared

I posted a few days ago about my finally deciding to come out. Thought I’d give an update:I went to the LGBT Community Center on 13th Street in Manhattan. Everyone there was so nice. I felt so comfortable. I met with a nice counselor who asked me a bunch of questions. They are supposed to contact me again about group therapy and individual counseling.I reached out to someone I know who is gay and we’re supposed to get together to discuss things next week. Trying to build a support network.I’m anxious all the time. I want to get the ball rolling but I really can’t until I get the therapy going. I cannot come out to my wife alone. The things she will say will be truly wounding. I know in the end she’ll come around but it will take time. Initially she’s likely to go ballistic.My 21 year daughter suspects something is up with me. She’s sensitive like I am (picks up people’s moods). I told her that I have start therapy and deal with some things.Just thought I’d update my situation if for no other reason than it relaxes me a bit.

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