2017. december 30., szombat

Been feeling very lonely and depressed lately and looking for "something real."

Aloha.For the past couple of months, the craving for "real love" from someone who truly cares about me has taken the best of me. I'm 20 years young and have never been in a real relationship, nor have I ever had loving physical contact from anyone.I won't rule out my deep depression as a reason for that. These days however it just pains me more and more to read successful stories or see nice images. Does anybody else feel like this? How do you get to know people and how is it like to fall in love and find the right one?I'm out and very open about it. My family knows about it, half my class knows about it and everyone is cool with it. So I don't have trouble expressing myself. I just cannot seem to be loved by anybody. Is it just bad luck on my side? That nobody I meet is also gay and into me?I realize this post might come off as very ridiculous and sad, but I don't really know where to cling to. I don't like dating websites, although I'm fine with long distance, and I'm very socially anxious, which makes things even harder for me IRL. I'm just a bit helpless and need a shoulder to lean on, some friends, since I got none of those, either.

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