2017. december 1., péntek

I really need advice, guys

[posted this originally on r/askgaybros but didn't get much of a response so I'm asking here because I desperately need advice]So I'm currently having a really big dilemma. There's this guy that I'm really good friends with at college. We've been close for about a month and a half now. He's openly gay and I'm closeted bi. We get along super well obviously but ever since I first got to know him, I really really really like him, like a lot. He's funny, a little nerdy, really cute and someone I really enjoy talking to. We hang out almost every day and have gone out to get food a couple times together alone. He thinks I'm super straight though, and that's how I present myself.My dilemma is this: first, I'm not even sure I want to come out to anyone but if I was going to do it, I'd do it for him. Secondly, I am looking for a roommate for next year and he was my prime candidate. If I express my feelings to him now, that completely would mess up the roommate thing. I wouldn't necessarily want to room with my boyfriend (if this works out) and it would be really awkward if we broke up then were stuck living together. Should I just take the jump and move towards telling him how I feel or stifle my feelings for the next year and a half so I can live with him next year and not have a conflict of interest?

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