2017. június 22., csütörtök

Will I ever be happy with my sexual orientation?

I originally thought I was a gay male but I didn't like it and tried hard to get into female centric porn. I could get into it but it was harder than gay porn for me. Now I've started to be able to get into female porn more and see females in that way but I don't like it. It's what I wanted but now I still like men and women. I don't want to like women anymore. I am so confused and keep asking why I do this to myself. I want to only like men now for some reason that I really don't know. Maybe only liking men would make it easier to have relations with men since I haven't got another choice yet even though this sounds like the most reasonable solution it still doesn't feel like the right answer. What I want is to be with men and I don't really have the urge to have a sexual relationship with a woman, even though I could. What does this make me?

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