2017. június 21., szerda

Regarding the protest that rerouted the parade in Washington D.C....

I've been told several times that there is an important message that needed to conveyed ONLY by blocking the parade. The idea that this put people in harm's way has been dismissed constantly. Let me please present the evidence.The parade master went through the route with a bullhorn making sure everyone's toes were off the street. Why? Large trucks where coming by to lay out barricades to protect people. The parade route had ALL vehicles remove, so the barricades went directly on the street with people on the sidewalks.In my video you will notice the parade was rerouted past a church. That church had a wedding that was interrupted. The parade was routed down a quiet street where residents parked their vehicles. Notice the direction of the "ONLY" road paint on the bottom left side of this pic? That's called the result of oncoming traffic - and you can see a vehicle caught on the street. It was dangerous but the only choice to make sure the other streets off the circle were not blocked and could continue to have traffic. As soon as I found out the protesters were going to throw a long-term temper tantrum I went to document the dangers to everyone but especially little kids who could easily get caught under a float or a fire truck.And thanks to fast acting police for doing an incredible job... including this multiracial line of police that made the protester with the bullhorn screaming about "racist ass cops" sound like a damn hypocrite. And yet... the Parade went off without a hitch because of who WE are, working around a group of people who literally stood in the middle of the street and forced the rest of the world to revolve around them.This is a philosophy I attest to no matter who is involved: When people are so tunnel visioned that they would put other unseen people in physical danger for their message... the message becomes meaningless. It applies to Trump's attempt at healthcare, and it applies here as well. Tell me what message on the planet is so important that it accepts responsibility if one little kid gets hit by a float. Is that a message worth listening to?EDIT: At a point when this much danger to other people, this ceases to be 'the right to peaceful assembly' covered by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. There are ways to get a message across without being Unconstitutional event... but if a disregard to public safety is going to be a standard, prepare for future protests of this nature to be open to various forms of legal action.

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