2017. június 21., szerda

[Rant] My boyfriend pissed me off today

I have no one to turn to, so can you guys hear my story?So... I forgot my phone charger at my boyfriend's place yesterday, so I needed to pick it up today. I was waiting him to get back from work so I could go there to pick it up. So I sent him a message like 4 o'clock in the afternoon to see if he was already back, cause that's normally the time he arrives. He was home asleep, as usual. So no answer till 6. Ok, no problem. Things like that happen, I'm not getting mad at that.When he got up, he texted me he had to go to a gathering with people from his work and he asked me if I'd like to join. I said yes. 5 minutes later he texted me again and told me to rush, cause he was afraid we would be late. I rushed as much as I could to be there on time. (I had other things to do on my way, which I didn't so I could get there in time). Then, when I got there be was like: "no hurry babe, I think we're not that late after all. It's ok, we don't need to go right now". Right.Then, almost half an hour later, he told me "are you sure you want to go to the gathering? I'm afraid there'll be no one for you to talk to". I said I was ok with it. Then he asked it again. I asked why he was asking it again if I had already said I was ok with it. He then said it was going to be difficult to explain the situation if I went to the gathering. So I said, "ok, it's fine, then go without me". He then said it wouldn't take long, he would be back in an hour.Ok... if he didn't want me to go, why did he invite me in the first place? But wait, there's more...His 9 year old nephew lives with him and his sister. She happened to be on a date, good for her. So... Guess what? I had to babysit the boy. I'm terrible with children, I just don't know how to deal with them. So I was basically panicking by then. I like the boy, he's cool. But I'm really awful at babysitting. So I was like "ok, it's just one hour. Ok, just one hour... don't panic".Three hours later... he wasn't back yet. I can't get home late where I live, so I needed to go as soon as possible. But I couldn't leave the boy alone. Thank god his sister came back early, so I texted him I had to go and went home.I'm sorry to take your time with my relationship problems. Thank you guys for reading. I needed to take it off my chest.

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