2017. június 25., vasárnap


First of all i want to say that i'm not an expert on any of this topics, i'm just an idiot with some questions.Why is there a "pride month"? Why can't it just be "pride day" or something like that. I just don't get why the LGBT community wants to get more than it deserves, like the LGBT flag on facebook that you can use to rate a posts. And also, why pide? Are you proud of having to deal with homophobes? Are you proud that some of you had to stop talking to your families? And why is pride always assisted with the LGBT community? Pride month shouldn't be about dick on dick accion, it should be about standing against people who try to put you down.Maybe i'm just being a fucking dick judging people who I don't know... Yeah that's it(This is my first post on Reddit so point out everything wrong with my post)

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