2017. június 24., szombat

I love my gf but i also feel like i should break up with her? what do i do?

I'm 25, I finally accepted that I was a lesbian about 2 years ago when I met my now girlfriend online. We've been dating since December. We still haven't met in person. I live with my parents right now (my girlfriend is also living with her parents) and they don't know that I'm gay or that my girlfriend even exists I don't talk to them about anything regarding relationships or attraction. I haven't even mentioned her to my parents as "a friend."I love my girlfriend a lot but the guilt of having a secret relationship behind my parent's back stresses me out a lot. And I'm paranoid all the time that they'll somehow see texts on my phone or get into my skype account and find out about her. I'm still too scared to even come out of the closet to them. And it's because I'm closeted that we can't plan to meet up in person which seems wildly unfair to her even though she says it's okay.I don't want to break up with her but sometimes I feel like I should. I don't like the secret relationship thing, I never thought I'd be the kind of kid to have a secret relationship. I feel like it'd be better to break up with my girlfriend and swear off dating completely until I'm able to move out of my parent's house and can find the courage to come out to them. And then be able to start over with a new relationship without the secrecy. But I also don't want to lose my girlfriend when our relationship is good, just because of the fear and shame I have regarding my parents.I just don't know what to do at this point and it's been eating at me for a while now.

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