2017. június 4., vasárnap

Advice needed :/

Hello guys, This is my 1st post ever so please don't judge me. I desperately need an advise. I am in the relationship with the guy for almost 3 years now (I'm 24 and he's 29) and I know that every relationship has its ups and downs but recently I am thinking that our relationship leads nowhere. It started as long distance thing, then he moved in with me and we lived together for a year and a half, but then he moved back to his town, because he wasn't satisfied with the job (I knew it was hard for him to find something, in the city where I live, mainly because it is IT centered city, and his field is economics). We see each other every weekend. I love him dearly but it seems to be emotionally draining for either of us. He's more active guy who wants to be the center of everybody's attention, and I am home type of boy. When I want to experiment in the bed, his reply is, I've done it already, not interested (since I didn't have so many sexual partners I am afraid that I will be missing something out). So today we spoke about it, and decided not to talk till we see each other on Thursday, just to clear our heads out. I am devastated, I have no idea what to do. Either to let him go or keep fighting? I am afraid I will never meet anyone else like him, I care about him, I care about his family and we've been through a lot. What shall I do in this situation? PS. English is not my 1st language.

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