2016. december 27., kedd

Should I get to know him even with the most awkward way?

OK THIS IS A COPY FROM A POST I'VE MADE ON /ASKGAYBROSSo here’s the thing. I used to chat with a boy on Grindr and I really liked him. I wanted to get to know him better but also meet him but he told he that in he’s supposed to overtime so he won’t come. I talked about this guy to acquaintance of mine , who messaged to that. Not only it turned out that guy lied to me , but also hooked up with that acquaintance of mine , who (the acquaintance) showed me his messages in grindr. I felt kinda disappointed and dumbed. My acquaintance told me to let him go , because that guy is whore. So , it was yesterday night in Starbucks and I came across him. I regret that I didn’t find not even the most stupid way to catch his eye. We were to the closest , as I was waiting near the cash where that guy was ordering. He also made a brief eye contact .I waiting for my friends to find a place to sit . I felt the longing and emotions similar to falling in love. I found him on grindr and I messaged him .But as I realized he has forgotten me and his profile photo is not his face ( it’s a hand with a tattoo in it.The title was “Now” suggesting the he wants right now , aka sex .) but my profile has my own face pic .So I feel awkward to message him that I’ve seen him in Starbucks. I also know his fb , but I don’t know any way to interact with him there , because interacting with in facebook out of the blue , it will be awkward in my own opinion. I also won’t stay for a long time in my country , I got to get to the country I’m studying , so I don’t know really how to approach him. I don't mind about a hook up or something less/more , I want to get to know him.So what would be best for me , to interact with him in Grindr , facebook or just nah?

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