2016. december 27., kedd

He just left me alone ...

Hi fellow men. I just want to share this with you because it is the most hatefull thing you can do...First about myself: I'm 24 and living in my appartement. No contact with my parents, i love to play games on my pc and with other people like Monopoly orso... i like to walk and i watch a lot of series.My boyfriend and i where together for a month (not long, i know) but nonetheless i loved him like nothing else. He came over on friday. We had a fun evening, no problems that i know of.I woke up saturdaymorning (arround 11am) and he was gone. No note, no text nothing that could indicate why he left.He blocked me on Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat etc...I texted him to ask what's going on. He didn't respond for like 4 hours. Then he texted: "I'm sorry but our "relationship" is done." I was shocked. I didn't see that one coming.... and he didn't respond on my other text is send him. And when I tried to call him a couple hours later the number was out of service. I guess he blocked my number to....This was 2weeks ago... merry Christmas? Meh :/Please guys, if you break up, or if you don't find yourself comfortable in your relationship. At least give your boyfriend or your ex some explanation. This is the hardest way I have ever been dumped.Thx for reading and a happy newyear!

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