2016. december 26., hétfő

Australia supports LGBT people? A big lie!

For those who don't know the full story, you can check my post history. The summary of the story is that I am not safe and I need any kind of help or protection. I am posting this because people keep telling me 'Get out of Egypt! Get out!' as if it is really easy or possible. Guys, your countries themselves don't want me to get out to their lands. Please be reasonable. I am posting my story with Australian embassy in Cairo as a an example of how nasty foreign policies are. I will post my stories with other embassies (especially the Dennish one) later.I sent my story to their facebook page. They ignored the message and didn't reply. After 2 months, I sent an update. They ignored it and they didn't reply. I called them by phone: - Good morning = Good morning! I'm egyptian and I have a small question - What? [in Arabic, in a very degrading way] = I have a humanitarian case and I need your suggestions. Can I come to the embassy tomorrow by myself? - We don't have immigration programs for Egyptian people. = OK thank you.Their website actually states that there are immigration programs for egyptians, and there is support for humanitarian cases! I sent them again on Facebook, but this time I told them that I will publish my story to the guardian/buzzfeed, and that I will show the world how their embassy reacted to my story. Imagine what? they replied. They forwarded me to their email address. I sent the story to their email address. No reply, as expected. So all what I was able to do is to send them the following message: "Thank you for supporting LGBT minorities by ignoring my email. Anyway I finally realized that I didn't need your help. I am a strong man. I faced the Egyptian military itself with my homosexuality. Could anyone of you stand in front of homophobic muslim generals declaring your homosexual desires? Could anyone of you confront your professors at university with your homosexuality, without fear of being rejected? Could anyone on this planet manage to study and become the top student over their class in a tough major (computer engineering) under all this stress? I am stronger and smarter than you. Strong to the point that I can survive without your help. I won't degrade myself again by asking homophobic hypocrites for help. I will survive."This is just a small example of how countries treat humanitarian LGBT cases like me. So please guys, relax and give me practical solutions, instead of keep telling me to get help from such an awkward world. I will keep publishing my story and I will show the whole world how Australia, Denmark, Canada, Norway, and other countries are big liars. I am talking about policies, not people. I respect all Australians in this forum and I know they understand my situation. But they got to know the truth of the policies held by their country. Thank you friends.

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