2016. október 1., szombat

The boy who cried,"I don't want anyone."

I guess to start off wed have to go back like three years ago. I was just lonely and wanted to meet someone,so I started online dating. About a month after not taking it serious, I got serious. Met this guy named MG. MG and I became very close he was just a friend and someone to talk too;when I was lonely or bored. We soon linked on Facebook and other social media sites.... fast forward nine months and like usual feelings start coming into play. We both admit we have feeling for each other,however he doesn't want to date anyone. He's completely sworn off dating g and always jokes about how he and his bestie Erica are gonna be soul mates and adopt cats. My problem is I fell hard for this guy and I mean hard. So, as you can imagine constantly hearing." I dont want anyone",can kill you inside. We mutually came to the agreement that we still loved being friends. We've been friends for years now,but the problem is he says he doesn't want anyone,but magically ends up talking to other guys.I caught after the third guy he talked fell through. I become aware that whenever he was talking to someone whom he was interested in romantically, he'd ignore my text,calls etc. I would always find out after it went to the shit though,he couldn't help but tell me.He'd always start with the same text,"Hey, sorry I've been meaning to text you back,but I got busy". Then we'd talk for a few days and he'd end up spilling the Tea. I've come to the heart aching conclusion that it's not that he doesn't want anybody,it's he doesn't want me. I'm furious because I've been nothing,but the perfect guy/ friend. He always goes I'll always have feelings for you and blah blah blah and it's like we'll then why tf won't you give me a chance?? It's extremely annoying and to be honest at this point I'm thinking about just cutting ties.My only fear is it'll hurt me more than him. I'm such a loyal friend and I'd do anything for my friends,but how many times can you let a person crush you?! I feel as though I have no right to be upset and maybe I don't,but it's like,"Hey stupid your perfect guy who's stuff k around almost four years .... IS THE PERFECT GUY!!!IDK I'M JUST FRUSTRATED

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