2016. október 30., vasárnap

[closeted person] how can you spot/identify a closeted bi guy who claims to be out?

Hey Redditors, I have a small problem that I'd like some help with. I apologize for having to write so many details and excuse my bad writing (I'm using a phone lol) this may sound like a strange question (believe me it is to me lol). I know someone for a long time who we went out on a date once and then ever since we started texting more than regularly. One day on Valentine's Day I asked him out for a fun night to which he made some excuses, I then took the hint that he might not be interested so I left him alone. Few days later, we texted and as we exchanged few convos he said that he wants to hookup with me when I asked him why he said "I've always wanted to with you" I know a pickup line when I see one, so I came clean about my intentions. In other words, I broke off the texting. Several long months later, I chose to text him since it's been a dead year for me. We began texting and picked off where we left as if we never stopped. I told him that I'm game with what he was offering and this would strictly be an FWB relationship only. He agreed and then we met in person for the second time (a year and half later from our initial meeting). We talked for a long time and I could tell he was nervous (but didn't want to admit it). Long story short we ended up having sex. Before we met for the second time, he would text me regularly and would ask/check up on me if I haven't been texting. Then we met, as I predicted the texting gone down a bit as time progressed it went really down and our convo basically became limited. I would sometime not text him for few weeks and when I do, just to see how he's going and ask how come he hasn't been texting (not in a needy way tho) he would say "I've been busy..". My gut was always telling me that he's lying and I caught him on it couple of times, but I've never called it on him, because I felt he's not my BF and I have no right to do so. We all have our personal lives and moments too, eh. Anyhoo, after couple of months later we met again at my house as he lives with his family. We hung out at home, talked and had a decent convo, etc. later that night we had sex and kissed me goodbye before he left to his house. As a person, you can tell he's a nice guy, a bit of himself, shy (sometimes too shy), easy to talk to and I have fun whenever we meet and the sex is very good. Right after the third meeting, we met few times more, but there will always be a gap in between (always has been with him).I asked him if he's out and he said to me that he is to everyone except his dad. He lives with his mom and step dad, so I assumed his biological father wouldn't know (although to my knowledge they're still in touch and I think he lives in the same city). He sometimes would tell me personal things about himself, about the future, etc. Then his answers changes the next time we meet or fluctuates. It felt that he's trying to move this thing between us to the next level and then maybe he freaks out or get cold feet and changes his mind. The last time I met him was ages ago (I think in June/July 2016) I got sick after our last hookup (strep throat) I texted him and let him on and told him to get tested if he felt he had sore throat since it can be confused. He asked me how I was doing and got worried if he now have contracted the bacteria lol. I told him it's nothing and explained it to him how the infection occurs blah blah won't bore you with the details. He said he had his tonsils removed which is great news for him. I was still waiting for my swab test result to confirm that it's 100% strep and not an STD. On the day of the results, he texted me to see how I was feeling and what the results were (I didn't tell him that I got tested for STD too) he was on the verge that it could be either a strep/regular sore throat. I lied and told him it was just a regular sore throat (didn't want to make him think anything gross of me lol). From that day we stopped texting for a long time and I then asked him how he has been, and that I haven't heard from him ever since, which he gave the same response (as usual), I told him that it would suck if whatever between us ended (the FWB thing), but if he wanted to I'd be perfectly fine by it and I meant it. I thought I'd give him get out of jail free card lol. He responded that that's so cute and no he doesn't he's just having one of those days. I was taken back by the "cute" response and asked him why he said it. He then told me it's cute that I want him and that I like his "d" lol. I think he was a little self conscious, and to understand why? Whenever we had sex I never came he always did. I've been having a lot of stress I've scored high on the stress level sadly lol and my ADHD medication plays a role too unfortunately. I told him that cumming is not the finish part for me I'm satisfied without it and it's only a bonus. He knows how to bring that satisfaction. He doesn't know I have ADHD cuz I never told him since I was diagnosed recently at that time and I have the right to privacy and we were never boyfriends. I'm fine with it now and more open about it then before. We haven't spoken ever since that last text. I ignored him completely. He then texted and it's always short and it's the same line over and over. Then we crossed path at uni we said "hi" to each other and I continued to walk as he did too since I had to get to my lecture. Few weeks later he texted me again same line/convo then again after few weeks or so. I never acted/been rude to him I just lost interest. Until one day I found out that most of the stuff he told me about him aren't true and one of them is the fact that his actually not out (probably only to his female best friend) and that's a maybe. The info I got isn't 100% reliable I'd say about 80 or so. Things were starting to make sense to me now, it just hit me and I realized that his behavior does reflect on the info I received. The last time we met in person, as we were leaving he would always kiss goodbye, before then he spotted on my calendar that I had a blood test schedule (it was a blood donation appointment) I don't know why I wrote test instead of donation. He might have picked up on that I might have HIV (which I don't) he asked and I told him I donated he then asked me how come they let me since I'm gay. I told him it should be fine, I get tested for HIV regularly and the donated blood gets tested vigorously before they release them to patients. Anyway, we were talking and he was about to kiss me then he hesitated as he was leaving I later told him don't I get a kiss in a funny way he said what if people sees us. I was surprised by that since no one can, it's true the door was open but there is no window that looks up to my side of the door and impossible for someone to spot us plus he's out why would he care, right? Everything started to make sense. He's always careful and safe with everything. All the time we had sex we never had sexual intercourse, ever! I respected his choice and I never pressure him or made him feel that I'm not happy with his choice. It turns out he's so scarred of diseases plus he feels it's not gonna be clean ( I understand that I'm always clean and make sure since I'm a germ-freak haha) he didn't say that to me but I knew somehow.Now to jump to my question, how can you spot a closeted person who claims he's out? I'm no where looking to out him or put him under the light to pressure him or something. I just want to know and be sure. I've cut ties with him and I have no interest at all. But, I don't want to break his heart nor let him feel that he's alone on this. Coming out is not easy and it sucks to be something you're not I know from experience and I'm sure everyone does too, even though I can't tell him what to do since it's his choice and he needs to be ready if he chose to come out. I want to be there for him as a friend ONLY. supporting him from far away (like through texting). I never text him now and I do let him on that I'm only here as a friend without being rude. The reason why I want to be sure is because if he was truly out (which I very much doubt) I'd feel better to not communicate with him after I've let him down politely.I really appreciate that you took your time reading and listening to my problem lol. I hope if you guys could shed some light/info that would really help a lot. I accept any contributions and I thank you for it in advance :).

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