2016. október 26., szerda

Depressed and Alone in Japan

Don’t know where else to turn so here we go.I grew up completely closeted in a small town in the US and developed depression from a early age because of my self-hatred/homophobia/loneliness/whatever. Managed to hide it from everyone and never sought any kind of help. Kept telling myself that I needed to find a way out of that town and move to a place where I can safely test the waters outside the closet.Through some voodoo, I managed to get accepted to a university in Japan and I moved there a few years ago. A new beginning, just what I needed. After awhile I came out to some of my closer friends here and started to lurk around the Grindr, Tinder, and the like. Became totally turned off by the local hookup scene. Not sure if my life of solitude has given me a fear of sex or if I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum. Either way, this has been a barrier to me finding any kind of closeness to another human being and this is something that I desperately need, especially right now.My self diagnosed depression usually comes in waves and it hits strong a few times a year. It has decided to hit rather hard over the past few weeks and I have been struggling to cope. Japan isn’t known for its support of mental health and I don’t really have any gay friends that I can talk to. My uni has no real psychiatric support to speak of and no LGBT orgs that are foreigner friendly. My friends do what they can, but they can’t really relate to what I’m going through. I feel completely alone.I’m tired of feeling like shit all the time. Although I generally like living here, I’m not sure that it is the healthiest place for someone needs love but not sex. Or is there a caring, understanding, and accepting community here that I haven’t found yet? Help.

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