2016. október 26., szerda

Finding someone to date

I'm from switzerland and being gay actually isn't very hard, because it's tolerated, but anyways people still think bad of you if you say them you're gay, that's why especially around my area are only a few people outed as gay. And that way I'm not very successful in getting any date, I mean there is an online platform for LGBT that's something like facebook, but there aren't that much people. It doesn't help that I'm a pretty shy person and not very social. Most of the time I'm spending time at the computer anyways... But there are so many cute guys I see, should I just walk up to them and be like: "Hey, are you gay?", or what? I'd be too shy for this anyways, so... These Party's that are organized for LGBT aren't really cool, most of the people there are just jerks or something like that. What should I do to find a partner? (As I said, I'm from switzerland, so my english might not be the best)

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