2016. október 31., hétfő

Did I lose him? What would you do?

To make a long story short. This guy and I have known each other for several years. He lived in NY and I lived out of state. We have always kept in touch. I moved to NY for work and started to hang out with him since I've been here (several months). In that several months I have told him that I had feelings for him. One night he told me he just wanted to be friends. This killed me. We didn't speak for several weeks. One day me and him decided to meet after a month of not speaking, grab some drinks and talk about what happened. He disclosed that he was dating a new guy. I told him i was dating someone. He told me he thought about what I told him about liking him and that he "really thought it over". He told me he even talked to his mom about it and his mother likes me and thinks he should do it. He told me "Who knows what the future holds. My boyfriend leaves in November and we are breaking it off. Who knows what will happen. You're an attractive guy." So here we are this week (him and his boyfriend broke up 3 weeks ago). We grab some drinks. I see two guys making out in the corner of a bar. I jokingly say to my guy "Wow, they are over there kissing hardcore and ive yet to even get one." So he kisses me on the cheek and goes "well there ya go". Seeping into conversation he revealed to me that he was "Kinda jealous of the guy I was dating" and laughed and said "i shouldn't be saying this". Fast forward to this weekend. We go out for halloween. We are dancing and having a good time. But he keeps pointing out guys to me and saying things like " You should go get his number" or "Would you date someone like that". he got drunk and told me he "just wants me to find someone so I can be happy". I flip out. I told him I had feelings for him and that I don't like him trying to push these random people on me. he said "But I thought we were just friends". Well, here we are today on Monday. He doesn't want to speak to me. He deleted me from facebook. Im devastated. It's like he has slipped these little hints at me this whole time. Im just left here with so many questions. I never got jealous of any of the men my close friends were dating. So why would my guy be jealous of mine? I don't know what to do from here. I hate not speaking to him. We spoke every single day for well over 2 years. What do you think? I'm hurt and lost.

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