2016. október 30., vasárnap

Q from straight male-Right side ear piercing- gay?

I met this guy, who seems cool, we could be friends. We're spending more time together. A while back I noticed that he had a piercing on his right ear, which is said to be a signal that one can be gay. Tonight we were talking outside the dorms and he got really close and made intense eye contact, like he was asserting then and there that he wanted to be on the top. We kept talking, though I felt slightly awkward by this, so I was like, "alright, see you around", and left. So with that and the earring, I put two and two together and realized he might have wanted more. I am a feminine looking male, I wear feminine clothing, and I been told I sound gay when I talk. It's just who I am, I can't help it. I also look at guys crothes sometimes (bad habit) so I could see why I could come across as a homosexual, but I'm not. The question is, to a gay dude, does the earring mean that he is 100% gay, and if he is, would being around him just lead him on? He's a great guy and I would hate to stop being around him for that reason. Thanks

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