2016. február 6., szombat

Hey r/gay - I'd love your help! I'm launching www.undetectable.me to help make dating in a world with HIV a bit easier. It's a non-commercial project of mine to list the Top 10 Questions someone might have in a mixed-status relationship and I want it to be brilliant so I'd love your feedback.

My Story in 4 sentences:Exactly one year ago today I was diagnosed with HIV and since that time it has been quite a year.Lots of ups and lots of downs but one thing I've learned is dating can be a bit more tough when you are HIV+ especially since there is so much misinformation out there.When you find a guy you like and you have to disclose you almost get that awkward feeling of coming out of the closet all over again.I've hidden my status from a lot of people for the last year but I've reached a point where I'm no longer ashamed, I'm no longer hiding and will no longer let the stigma of HIV fester because I'm going to help fight it with projects like this.The Problem:It's no secret that the dating world can be a little tough, especially with so much misinformation out there. A lot of us, both positive and negative, have run into those situations where you meet that guy who catches your eye. You strike up a bit of conversation and when you want to take things further your presented with something that could be a bit of an awkward conversation… disclosing your HIV status. Let's make it easier by taking the fear out of the unknown.The Goal:The whole goal is to break down barriers and provide a quick an easy site (with a memorable URL - www.undetectable.me) where you as an HIV+/Undetectable individual can provide a source of unbiased information which hits a lot of the questions someone might have about what it means to be in a serodiscordant relationship.My Solution:I want to make that easier with a simple website that provides the top 10 questions that might be on the mind of someone who is either HIV+/Undetectable or HIV-negative but dating is on the horizon. So, meet someone online, at a bar or somewhere else and they have limited info about what it means to be undetectable? Send them here.I want it to be a dead simple site that is easy to navigate on mobile and desktop with sources to good 3rd party info. I'd like it to be conversational in style instead of clinical so it appeals to the widest audience.Where I need your help:I'd like your feedback on what the top things are on your mind when dating whether you are an HIV+ man with an undetectable status or if you are HIV-negative and want to educate yourself a bit more. My humble ask if you have the time…1) Review my website -> www.undetectable.me and look at the questions I have.2) Suggest changes to what is there on questions and content. I'm open to changing all questions to list. What did I miss? What concerns you? What kind of data would you like to see? BTW, I didn't fill out all the content pages yet because I know questions might change.3) Tell me what you love and hate overall. Be BRUTAL with feedback. You aren't going to hurt my feelings.A couple of caveats:This is a free / non-commercial website. It's something I just started working on last night. I'm not affiliated with any special HIV/AIDS organizations, etc. It's just a personal project I think is important.I realize it is a bit more narrow in scope with focusing on HIV+/Undetectable gay men right now and I don't want to exclude people but I'm of the school of thought that you should start small and build from there. If this is helpful to others and successful I want to make purpose built sites like this one which address some more specific topics for other communities hit by the HIV/AIDS crisis. Please don't think I'm trying to exclude anyone. This was just an easy way to start.Consider this beta right now but I plan on launching it "officially" in a couple of days so anything is up for change. Can't say it enough... share any feedback. I'm open to change.Final Thoughts:While it's a modest site please help make this a reality by taking the time to share what you think - I know I keep saying that (sorry). Also, even though it's still just getting started feel free to share what I'm doing in your social networks, etc. so we can get more eyes and feedback on this.tl;dr: I'm creating a website of 10 simple questions people might have when dating and one person is HIV+/Undetectable. The goal is to break down barriers, help end the HIV/AIDS stigma and help people find love and companionship.

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