2016. február 24., szerda

All the men I like reject me. How to be accepted ...

I am writing this as a sort of last hope for good advice ..Since I realized I am gay, which was at a pretty young age (13, 14) I also starting to realize what type of men I like: older, masculine, not per se muscular, more athletic/slim build, masculine attitude, hairy, stubble etc. A type one of my friends describes as 'dads' 'wolfs' 'otters' .. Usually men between the age of 35-55. But getting them to like me is been one of the problems I have yet to conquer ..When I started to discover 'the scene' online around the age of 16, 17 I got rejection after rejection. I did not take this so seriously, I thought it was just my age. But now ten years later (27, turning 28) I still have the same problem: I get constantly rejected. Even laughed at for hitting on someone or flirting with him.Now in general I cannot complain about my looks I think, a lot of people say I am handsome, I have even been scouted for modeling jobs twice. But I do think I have one thing against me when it comes to appearance: I look pretty young, I have no body hair whatsoever, very little beard, and also no chiseled jawline. My build is good I think, I am 6’3 and in good shape (not muscular though). I have no feminine behaviour, not at all, I am very masculine in my way of acting/talking/voice. Not that there would be anything wrong with this btw, but I could see it as a point of dislike for the type of men I like.My experiences with men can be counted on one hand, and all of them were not that great. Usually with men that I did not even really like, but as the men I do really like, don’t seem to want me, the options are limited.I have to admit that most of my dating happens online, I am not really active in the gay scene, I sometimes to go some bars with a (few) friend(s), but that is about it. Although it does not make any big difference in the outcome, if I see a nice guy I like I usually get a 'no'.Last weekend I went with one of my best friends to this club where I knew there would be lot of men that I would describe as 'my type' but the whole thing ended up in a disaster where as usual I got ignored after rejected after laughed at. Out of frustration I got pretty drunk and almost ended up hitting this one dude in the face as he said he did not dated 'kids' but my friend (who is 5’8 and 3,5 years younger than me) could come home with him if he wanted.Now what do I need to do to get accepted among the older masculine guys I like? Do I need to grow some muscles to compensate my lack of 'hairiness' ? On the other hand, this feels wrong to me, I am actually pretty happy with who I am and what I look like. Why should I change to be accepted?But I am just clueless at the moment, and really thinking about stop trying to date, just focus on my own things as work/studies/friends/sports …I am clearly for some reason not accepted and I don’t see it changing in the future. Of course it does disappoint me in some way as everybody seeks a successful romantic life I assume.

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