2016. február 28., vasárnap

Trouble starting the coming out process

I'm 22 years old and I'm gay. I've know for a while (like 6 years), and now I'm finally ready to come out of the closet to the people that are close to me. The problem is that I don't really know how start doing that. I have two people in mind that I would want to come out to first, but for some reason I can't seem to force myself to tell either of them. One of them is a really close friend of mine, and the other isn't as close, but she's a lesbian so it's almost guaranteed she's not going to have any sort of problem with it.The friend that I'm really close to already has a hunch that I'm gay, because we were having a conversation and she asked me if I like guys, and I said "maybe" in kind of a joking way, and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. I couldn't manage to say yes even though it's the truth and I really wanted her to know. It's been so long since I've known, and I guess I'm just so used to being in the closet that I'm scared to come out even to the people that I know will be accepting and supportive, because it's such a massive change that people will know my real sexuality for the first time in my life.So my question is, how do I start? I have people that I'm pretty sure will be fully supportive, but where do I begin? Do I just text one of them and say that I'm gay? Should I call them to tell them, or wait until we're in person together? Whenever I'm about to text one of them about it, I convince myself that they're busy or asleep or whatever, and it's a bad time to text them about something so serious.So I guess I'm looking for advice about what to do. I'm just so sick of being lonely and I want to have friends I can actually talk to about stuff. Thanks in advance for any help.

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