2016. február 26., péntek

Is my husband gay?

I found out my husband has been watching gay porn and masturbates to it regularly since 13yo. I don't know what to do, what to think. He confessed he has found some men attractive but would never act on those impulses and he loves me and is totally attracted to me. He also confessed on doing something sexual with another boy when both were teens, which is something he feels deeply ashamed of (according to him). But I don't know exactly what was that. We've been married for 3 years,no kids and have great sex esporadically (1 per week aprox. Sometimes 2-3 weeks can go by but it's because I have low libido) I feel my world just crashed. I don't know if he's using me or not. He's been verbally and emotionally (3 times physically) abusive towards me but he's been better for the past 4 months. I'm the only one working because he took time off to do his master. I don't know what to do. Is he gay?

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