2016. február 24., szerda

Should I come out to him?

Hello everyone! I'm not really a good writer but I'll try my best to tell you my problem. I'm 16 years old gay guy. I've came out to few of my trustworthy girlfriends and they're very supportive about it. I'm not fully out yet because if my parents finds out about it, they might not like the news and react horribly. I've never really had a guy friend before probably because I get intimidated by them but I really wish I get one. My wish came true and met an amazing guy and we've known each other for a month now. He's very funny and our friendship gets better and better. I really want to tell him I'm gay because I want him to know the real me. The problem is that I'm not sure how he'll react. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I joke around about me being "gay" and his reacts are nice and jokes about it by saying that he finds me sexy (I know he's straight so I don't really like him like that). He's a comedian so I'm not sure if he'll react like that way (nicely) and if he's just joking around about being okay with it. I feel like if I tell him he will try and avoid since his religion doesn't really support gay rights and he would think that I like him or I'll fall for him. I don't know what to do and I've asked my girl friends about this and they're also not sure but one of my friend told me that he might have a very dramatic reaction. Thank you!

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