2016. február 26., péntek

Frustrating insecurities...

Hi! So I would like to share my difficulties with meeting other men in and I hope to find some advice. I’m a 23 year old guy who came out quiet late. Since I was never interested in girls, I never had a girlfriend. But I also never had a boyfriend or even a fling with someone. So I’m a 23 year old man with no experience whatsoever with kissing or having sex… But recently I’m trying to change this and honestly I have no difficulties at all with meeting guys. Quiet often a guy shows interest in me, but when I notice this I always back off since I’m afraid I’m going to be bad kisser or I’m going to be bad in bed… This is really frustrating and I feel that because of my insecurities I send mixed messages to the other guy, which makes it even more awkward. I really don’t know how to get over this phase. So my question is, if there are other people on here who can relate to my story and can tell me how they handle/handled this? Or just people who can give me some advice? Thanks in advance!

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