2016. február 6., szombat

I don't know what to make of my FWB

It started off as just a casual hookup and then we saw each other again. Afterwards we simply went shopping together, one night we made dinner together and cuddled (nothing sexual). We hooked up once more the following night, and then every encounter we had for the next couple months were ones where we just cuddled, talked, studied, and didn't do anything sexual except for one night when we only made out. Recently we began the sexual things again, and this increased to sleepovers in the same bed, showers, etc. The thing that confuses me is that we do little kisses and cuddling often. Neither of us are really relationship oriented, he's not even out (he's bisexual). I'm not complaining about it, I suppose I like it. I've been in relationships before, but I've disliked it. My concern is that I may be misreading this for something that it isn't. We go to different colleges (he's a friend from my hometown which I met only when we began hooking up), so when we aren't at home together, we rarely text. When we do text, one of us eventually doesn't reply after a while, although, I do love it when he does text me, but I don't want to seem needy or obsessive to him... I guess I know what I want in this relationship with him. It's clear that I have a few more feelings for him than I should. I actually genuinely care about this guy. The problem is that I can't figure out what he wants. Amidst all the complications between him not being out as bisexual, hiding our FWB relationship, the physical distance, and the lack of relationship-oriented mindsets in the past (between the two of us), I feel as though the FWB thing we have going on doesn't really function as the typical FWB thing. I'm afraid that I may be misreading things. Also, on top of all this, I don't think I have the strength inside of me to cut things off with our relationship. We've only been friends for a few months now, but I enjoy the time I spend with him, always, and I know that he enjoys that with me too. Every time I tell myself that I should just slowly move away from him, he and I usually end up planning something to do together and this sucks me right back in. It's like I just can't say no because everything inside of me wants to spend time with him during these opportunities. I also know that it isn't me pulling along this connection that we have. He is usually the one to initiate cuddling. He also kisses me first sometimes. Whenever we are alone, he'd usually do something such as hugging or holding me as though he had been holding it in when we were in public. He tells me often that he wishes he had met me sooner and that I am different than all of his other friends, that he feels comfortable around me and talking to me. He has confided a lot in me. Simply by him continuing a friendly relationship with someone alongside a sexual one is something he hadn't ever done before because he is so afraid of being "outed." I've told myself that I should just cut off the benefits with him, but even if I were to do so, being around him only makes me long for that physical contact with him. I don't have the strength to do that either. Has anyone ever been in a situation like this? If you have, what happened? What type of guy does this one sound like? I'd really appreciate any advice on this. After being with him, I really miss his company. I think this is really bad...

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