2016. február 6., szombat

Why have I never had a crush?

In my entire life I have never had a crush on anyone. I'm not exaggerating.So my question is why is this? Do I just subconsciously believe that I don't have a chance with anyone? Have I just locked out the idea that anyone else is worth forming a relationship with?Some basic info:I am male and gay. (duh)I go to college and I'm involved in multiple clubs including the GSA.I am social but I keep a lot of things to myself.I have normal sexual urges, and I do find the human form attractive, but I just have never felt those apparently giddy and nerve-wracking feelings about someone else. I wish I did. I can imagine what it feels like, wanting to spend time with someone else just because they make you feel nice. I'm missing out.I've asked a few other people including a psychologist and I didn't really get clear answers.

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