2015. december 10., csütörtök

Told mom and dad. Mom is good. Dad isn't.

I've posted here before.So I finally told mom (over the phone unfortunately, because it was my only option beside surprising her with a guy instead of a girl when we sit down to dinner at Olive Garden on Saturday).Me: "well we were going to get lunch today, but HE got busy."Mom: "what?"Me: "yeah......."insert a ton of questions and supporting/loving mom comments.Then I opted for mom to tell dad because I couldn't do it in person.She texted me (while I was in class) saying that she had told him, and he was very quiet.He didn't really know what to think of the whole situation (he's a very conservative Catholic). It's been two days since then and tonight we had a very bad conversation..... So bad that I called mom and told her to go talk to him. She advised me to not respond anymore because things would be said that couldn't have been forgiven.He is somehow making this whole situation about him. "What am I supposed to tell my friends the reason for me crying is?" - him.Me: confused why he's crying when his son (me) is happy and in a great relationship. (Ugh conservative people, I tell ya!)He then threatened to tell my twin brother who goes to a school with many people I know (we go to different schools but I keep in touch with many). He can't get over he whole "it needs to be kept a secret until I decide otherwise" phenomenon.So great conversation was happening (sarcasm) while I was in English class. I couldn't feel my legs, I was shaking, sweating, dizzy. I looked prof in the eyes and told him I'd see him next week. My persona gave a big hint of "something big is wrong here" and so he said "okay."So here I am.... Leaving class, dealing with my unaccepting father threatening to tell my brother who is a loose cannon.... And worrying about a major math test 1.5 hours from then.I texted my BF and asked if he could meet right after my test. (Luckily he's in town). The answer was yes and we talked everything over.It really fucking sucks to have to deal with stuff like this when you're just trying to live your life, be successful, and be happy.Like yeah, you're my dad - you don't have to agree with everything I do. You don't have to understand why I like dick (haha) in order to love me as your son.So after I brought him back to his temp house after our unplanned coffee date, I FaceTimed all my friends who were concerned about my dad's words and then talked with mom on the phone for more than an hour.I'm good now. A lot happened today and a lot of stress has came, gone, and came, and gone.Dad even told me he wanted me to come home (I live at the university by their house) because he wanted me to spend time in a conservative community. My response, "no."Ugh -- I'll update in a few days if anybody wants to hear more. Love ya guys.

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